Mensajes : 630 Fecha de inscripción : 05/04/2011 Edad : 34 Localización : mar del plata
Tema: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:02 am
bueno, hoy les traigo otro anime q me parecio genial..
Primero.. les quiero hacer un escenario, ya q no es una serie como las demas Esta hermosa serie (a mi parecer) -a pesar de haber sido el manga lo que primero salio en comercializacion- esta basada en un juego de video (o novela visual, como realmente deberia ser llamado). El primero de ellos Ef - The First Tale, es en el que se centraron para la 1er temporada del anime, llamada Ef - A Tale of Memories. Mientras que la segunda temporada (Ef - A Tale of Melodies) fue basada en la 2da parte del juego (Ef - The Latter Tale)
ya dicho eso, me propongo a empezar con mi posteo
Ef- A fairy tale of the two Compuesta por: _ Ef - A Tale of Memories _ Ef - A Tale of Melodies
Genero: drama, thriller psicologico, romance
Argumento: la verdad es algo muy complicado y largo, asiq no los quiero aburrir mucho con esto, por lo que simplemente voy a poner los basicos
La serie nos narra 3 historias paralelas y entrelazadas: -La primera transcurre en torno a Hiro Hirono, un estudiante de instituto que además es un artista profesional de manga. La noche antes de navidad conoce a Miyako Miyamura, una chica con un gran secreto, y empiezan una relacion. En un momento Miyako se da cuenta que no es la unica persona especial para Hiro despues de conocer a Kei Shindo (amiga de la infancia de Hiro) quien también esta enamorada de Hiro. -La segunda historia se desarrolla alrededor de Renji Asou, un joven de instituto indeciso sobre la profesion que tomara en el futuro. La historia de Renji comienza cuando, en una estación abandonada, ve a una hermosa chica mirando el cielo y leyendo, Chihiro Shindou. Esta chica no es del todo normal, pero no les quiero cagar la serie, asique solo mirenla para darse cuenta porque. -La tercer historia, gira alrededor de Yu Himura y Yuko Amamiya. Himura es un hombre sin una definicion concreta sobre que hace, aunque siempre esta en la iglesia. Mientras que Yuko Amamiya es una misteriosa chica vestida como una monja que aparece de la nada, y desaparece con la misma rapidez en varios lugares a lo largo de la historia.
todas las historias tienen un punto en comun entre ellas, pero son a su vez independientes de las demas, lo que a mi gusto lo hace muy interesante
otra cosa, esto es solo la 1er temp. la 2da la estoy viendo todavia, y aunque es diferente en todo sentido, de alguna manera sigue la trama de la 1er temporada Son 2 historias paralelas: -La primera ubicada en el pasado, en uno de los encuentros entre Yu Himura y Yuko Amamiya -La segunda ubicada en el presente, donde Kuze Shuichi le pide a Himura (viejos amigos) que vaya junto a otra persona a una presentación musical que tendrá dentro de poco
Opinion personal: Como ya dije en algun lado.. se me pegan muy facil los sentimientos, por lo que estuve triste y mal sentimentalmente a lo largo de la mayor parte de la historia. Esto se debe a que es su mayoria, trata temas tristes del romance de los personajes principales, aunque para el final pega un giro que lo hace terminar bien. La serie me gusto mucho, al punto de que esta dentro de las mejores a mi parecer, pero eso pueden juzgarlo uds. La animacion es muy original, saben como capturar y hacer resaltar los momentos importantes.
van las pics..
y tmb les dejo el OP, que x cierto me gusta mucho..
y como yapa x si alguien la quiere.. la historia que escribe Chihiro
The girl is only one in the world.That make her the god of this world.
She found herself on an island when she began to understand things around her. There was a mansion on the island, which was connected to an old castle by a passageway. She did not know why for what purpose those structures which completely seemed to be unfit in the environment were built there. She did not need to know why. And besides, the girl never wondered why she had been there before she realize. There were a huge amount of preserved foods and daily necessaries inside the warehouse of the castle, so she did not have to starve (although she was hungry until she realized these were eatable). But she almost died several times because of sickness and injuries. In most cases, she almost got herself killed by eating either spoiled food or plants and inorganic things around her. She used the mansion as a residential area, and almost never set her foot in the old castle. There was no particular reason to draw a line between the two structures. It was only a rational judgment that the old castle was unfit for her to live there. She had nothing to do. The island was small, and one could go around it in half a day by foot. All she could see at the beach was the ocean, the sky, clouds and the horizon stretching as far as she could see in a 360-degree view.That was the everything the world offered.
She painted a human being.It was good. But the girl did not feel like painting a human being in a bigger size.Because she was unable to judge whether it was well drawn or not.So she decided to add a figure of a boy into the paintings of landscape she had painted.Boy was added to all the paintings.With no specific reason, she starting those paintings in the same places where she painted them. There was not single place in the mansion she did not paint.The boy was just standing straight in all the paintings. And the boy was looking straight ahead. It meant that the girl and the boy looked at each other every time she looked at the paintings.The girl had no feeling of achievement. Would he be a "human?"She thought. This was the "painting of a human being".She knew that from the very beginning. He did not move.She did not think. He was simple there, lonely?Finally,she could ask herself by finding the word. She was not lonely.The girl started practise drawing her own portrait from the day after the wedding.There was only one human being on the side of the paintings.So, she started painting herself on the paintings.
On the other side of the paintings, the two had smiles on their faces. Still, the girl felt strange to see herself in the paintings. She could not find right words to describe her feelings. She did not really understand her emotion .But the paintings continued to capture her attendtion without making her bored for first time for month to come. The girl was alone in the world. That made her the god of this world.
Something mysterious happened. It was the day after she repainted all of her paintings, hundreds in numbers. The two in those paintings had moved. But it did not startle the girl, because she had no idea asking herself whether it was abnormal or not. From the beginning, she was trying to make humans. "Did it work?" The god looked inside the miniature garden. She looked close at the paintings. It appeared that the other side of the paintings could not see the world on her side. The two in the pictures seemed to be doing something, smiling at each other. But the paintings were blured.The world itself appeared blured, giving her no clue to see what they were doing. Why, the girl thought.She could not confirm results. She could not see what was supposed to be there.A strange feeling developed in her mind. She could not describe what it was. She could not find in a dictionary the defination of something she could not describe.She wondered why the paintings became blurred even though she painted them so clearly. Was it a failure? But the two in the paintings were smiling at each other. That was what her felt--which made her feel weird on the other side of the paintings.Something must have been wrong. I had understood things in the way, making mistakes repeatedly?She thought.She repaint them over and over. But the results were exactly the same. She was at a loss. She began to unsure of everything.
The girl is the only one in the world. So she thought she should make her world much cleaner.She burned all pictures. She set fire to the mansion and the old castle.Along with the structures,she burned all her memories. Lastly, the god threw the trash, the only trash left in the world,out from the cliff. That was the everything the world had to offer. She painted a human being, and it was good.
muchas gracias x la atencion XD
ojala lo disfruten tanto como yo y lo sepan apreciar, tiene muchas cosas que te dejan pensando..
Crown Clown Admin
Mensajes : 820 Fecha de inscripción : 22/02/2011 Edad : 31 Localización : Bs.As.
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:09 am
tiene buena pinta lastima ke tenga tantos animes para ver y tantas obligaciones sociales XD
pero bue va a parar a la lista jeje
gracias por el post pingui es digno de un sempai!
Pingui User Del Mes
Mensajes : 630 Fecha de inscripción : 05/04/2011 Edad : 34 Localización : mar del plata
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:13 am
Esdeath Admin
Mensajes : 485 Fecha de inscripción : 22/02/2011 Edad : 29 Localización : en mi casa
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:15 am
creo que hay muchos animes para ver jajajaja
yo noce por cual empesar jajajajaja
Pingui User Del Mes
Mensajes : 630 Fecha de inscripción : 05/04/2011 Edad : 34 Localización : mar del plata
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:20 am
si te gusta este genero.. te recomiendo altamente empezar x este..
no te vas a arrepentir
Esdeath Admin
Mensajes : 485 Fecha de inscripción : 22/02/2011 Edad : 29 Localización : en mi casa
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:25 am
esta en juego 4 puntos. o si ese areves no te pasa nada
Pingui User Del Mes
Mensajes : 630 Fecha de inscripción : 05/04/2011 Edad : 34 Localización : mar del plata
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:32 am
espero q no me mientas cuando lo termines de ver
Esdeath Admin
Mensajes : 485 Fecha de inscripción : 22/02/2011 Edad : 29 Localización : en mi casa
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:35 am
soy un chico que no miente
Pingui User Del Mes
Mensajes : 630 Fecha de inscripción : 05/04/2011 Edad : 34 Localización : mar del plata
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:41 am
jajajaja no se xq no me la creo xDD
Esdeath Admin
Mensajes : 485 Fecha de inscripción : 22/02/2011 Edad : 29 Localización : en mi casa
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:44 am
bue si no la crees no es mi problema jajajaja
pero si te los doy si esta bueno.
Pingui User Del Mes
Mensajes : 630 Fecha de inscripción : 05/04/2011 Edad : 34 Localización : mar del plata
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Mar Mayo 03, 2011 1:53 am
sephiroth Sempai
Mensajes : 407 Fecha de inscripción : 28/02/2011 Edad : 33 Localización : Buenos aires argentina
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Jue Mayo 05, 2011 3:40 am
puesta en la lista de series pendientes!
Pingui User Del Mes
Mensajes : 630 Fecha de inscripción : 05/04/2011 Edad : 34 Localización : mar del plata
Tema: Re: Ef- A fairy tale of the two Miér Mayo 25, 2011 8:26 pm